Facebook Free Lead Generation
Getting Your Profile Setup
The correct profile setup is a key for making sure you’re able to generate exposure, leads, and authority. Make sure your profile is clean, professional, & setup as I show you here.
Study the profiles of those who are leading in your industry or niche to also get a better feel for what your profile should also represent.
Connecting To The Right People
An important way to ensure the content you are producing, and the exposure you are producing, is gathering leads. You need to connect to those people are most likely to be interested in purchasing your products & services.
Connect & add as friends, between 25-100 people a day on Facebook. Who you are fairly certain are in your industry or niche, and who most likely would be interested in investing in, or supporting your products & services.
Engaging & Messaging
You need to individually message each person that either adds you, or that you add on Facebook. This is a daily practice.
You must comment on and engage with each profile of everyone you add on Facebook. This will ensure more exposure and leads going to your brand & to your profile.
How & What To Post
Posting content to your profile that is either…
A) Enticing B) Entertaining C) Educating
2 times a day is a daily practice you must follow.
When you write your posts, make sure they are relative and relatable to your target audience & to the people you’ve began to add & interact with on Facebook.
Daily Facebook Schedule
Here is your daily schedule to follow…
1. Post Content To Your Profile
2. Message Back & Add People
3. Engage With Others Profiles & With Comments
4. Reply To Comment & Interactions On Your Posts